Eyetopia Spa is a Beauty Enhancement Service that specializes in Semi-Permanent Eyelash Extensions. Eyelash Extensions will create a low-maintenance and high lifestyle for modern active women who wants to wakeup already looking beautiful and ready for the day. “A woman’s Farewell answer to Mascara.” Weightless and water resistant, they allow you to exercise, swim, shower, sleep and cry.
About Lady Patterson
Whether she’s in her role as a in-demand mother, wife, project manager, professional network marketer, or as the owner and driving force behind two successful companies (Larevemos Couture, LLC and Eyetopia Spa) Lady Patterson has the same mission: “Never stop making your dreams a reality and never let life pass you by”.
Her motivation in life is to help people recognize their dreams, to find that burning desire, and their true purpose. Lady believes it is her life’s purpose to help others prosper whether by example, a spoken word, a creative idea, offering a helping hand, or bringing out their inner beauty. She understands that each of us uniquely and wonderfully created to be great.
Lady is very versatile and is no stranger to jumping into a business venture with both feet and giving it her all. With an entrepreneurial spirit from a very young age, she knew that she was destined to be great and to positively impact others. As a little girl Lady observed her mother and uncles use their creative talents to grow their “Ma’ & Pop” businesses. At the age of 13 she started working for her mother’s janitorial service. During her teens she worked with various companies from fast food to government agencies. Her creativity in leveraging income became apparent during her junior year of high school when Lady started her first profitable business venture selling frozen juice to her classmates; earning her the nickname “The Juice Lady.”